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La Nau is a fantastic apartment with hot tub and pool, just steps from the beach in Puerto Pollença.

This charming and modern light-filled duplex offers a private hot tub with mountain views and a communal swimming pool. It is only one street back from the sea front and is a short easy stroll along the beach promenade into the town centre. It is fantastic apartment, fully equipped, with plenty of space for families or groups.

The apartment has two spacious terraces. The front terrace has a dining table with seating for 8, a large sofa area, and a hot tub that has mountain views for a beautiful sunset. There is a large tree-shaded park just around the corner and another directly on the beach, which is great if you have young children, as well as a beach bar for adults!

The location is fantastic, close to the seafront, where there are plenty of places to eat or have cocktails and watch the sun go down over the mountains! There is a large mini-market on the front to purchase things you need, and a pharmacy too.

Apartment La Nau Google reviews and location